
Hello! My name is Morgan. As a writer, interested in user experience, web design, and content strategy, I created this website to start keeping track of and share my experiences with readings on these topics.  

At this site, you’ll find my reviews of four books in the A Book Apart O’Reilly series. I use the same format offering five takeaways from each text.  These takeaways don’t summarize everything discussed in these books. If you, like me, find the book takeaways interesting, you’ll find information on how to access the books. Also, if you, like me, are a college student building your knowledge in user experience, design, or content strategy, I hope you find gain beneficial tips for your projects or are inspired to research more about these fields.  

Learning is how we grow as writers or other academic professionals, and if you find my way of offering information helpful, I hope you’ll contact me. I enjoy meeting people interested in these areas of study. 



Cross-Culture Design

By Senongo Akpem

Design for Cognitive Bias

By David Dylan Thomas

Design for Emotion

By Aarron Walter


